Light transmissions to activate your DNA, optimize your frequency & remember the clear light

Activate your DNA

Optimize your frequency

Remember the light



DNA activation

Metamorphosis Upgrade 1 – “Activation” – includes 3x Star Medicine light transmissions (over 3 sessions) with the intent of evolving your DNA; activating, restructuring and reorganising it according to your original 12-stranded DNA structure.

There is often an associated clearing the body vessel of lower frequency patterning (limiting beliefs, trauma, lingering emotions…) as the activation establishes an optimal level of intelligent and healing light frequencies flowing through your body, which from then on are accessible to you at will.

In the process of receiving Star Medicine, you will more easily remember and find this energy – the clear light – within your own personal energy field until you are permanently aware of its presence, gifting you with direct awareness of the new bandwidth of frequencies hitting the planet at this transformational time (light frequencies containing information affecting us beyond Reiki, traditional energy practices, and other frequency band subsets).

Your DNA will become activated by these intelligent Star Medicine frequencies, restructuring light-encoded filaments linked to DNA within your cells, which reorder themselves in response, triggering both DNA repair and DNA evolution.

New DNA helixes or strands form, which enable a more evolved nervous system, allowing much more data to move into your consciousness from the cosmos. This evolution seems to awaken dormant brain function, and enhance the use of the physical body beyond the current limitations​​​​, leading to the development of new abilities and a higher intuitive understanding.

This is because DNA is not only a data storage medium, but an antennae to cosmic information in the field, enabling alignment with cosmic information flows or divine intelligence.

In the past humans had incredible abilities and potential. Legend has it we had twelve strands of DNA receiving, storing and transmitting light and information. However, our DNA was intentionally rearranged, scattered and therefore deactivated limiting us to the two stranded double-helix DNA structure science can detect today – the minimum needed for survival without having the ability to awaken and become informed through the other ten etheric or non-physical strands of DNA. Scientists have labelled 98% of the DNA that can been seen in the physical dimension as “junk DNA” as a result. However, our DNA is reforming and restructuring in response to the new cosmic rays and we are reclaiming our abilities and multidimensional potential, as we learn to house more light and information in the body.

Star Medicine harnesses these new cosmic rays and the light information they carry to activate, restructure and optimise your DNA giving you access to more and more of your cosmic heritage, abilities and potential in an organic and harmonious manner, sometimes quite obviously, and often perceptibly subtly, over the days, weeks and months following your DNA Activation sessions.


Note: DNA activation is equal to three Light Transmission sessions. The intent of activation over 3 sessions is to achieve optimal body light frequency, a more conscious remembrance of the clear light, and a fuller reawakening to your luminous essence. 

Other benefits include:

Connects you to the source of all healing

New information pours in

Enhances mental processes

Enhances and accelerates your healing and evolution

Reactivates dormant strands of DNA = Unlimited Possibilities

Heightens your perception, awareness and psychic abilities

Allows you to come back into balance

Instills confidence, self-worth, self-belief, clarity, focus

Removes trauma in a non-traumatic way

Removes emotional blocks / interference

Makes you better able to deal with stress and conflict situations

Boosts creativity and helps the creative process

Assists those in recovery from drug / alcohol afflictions

Brings harmony into chaos

Boosts ability to manifest intentions or dreams

Is a doorway to having a Lightbody Upgrade (Level 2)

Activation of your DNA begins an ascension journey. The intelligent, subtle energy of Star Medicine™ opens up your being to heal and receive gifts at multidimensional levels, and continues to work with you long after your session has ended.

Take a powerful step towards reclaiming your dormant abilities and potential in life. Book your DNA Activation and begin to download, store and transmit more light for your own evolution and the planet.

© Star Medicine™