Upgrade the bandwidth of your connection to your higher self,
embody high density light, & dial into your purpose

Reconnect to your Higher Self

Dial into your Life Purpose

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Light BoDy UPgrADE


The difference between a Light Transmission and a Lightbody Upgrade (which is an reconnection to 5D), is basically one of intent. A Light Transmission is about healing; A Lightbody Upgrade is about connecting you specifically to your higher self and in doing so, your life’s purpose. It is about ascension and evolution. So if you wish to move forward in your life with a stronger connection to yourself, your destiny and to the Universe, then the Lightbody Upgrade is for you.

The Lightbody Upgrade is the process whereby you are permanently attuned to these frequencies in a way that empowers you to pursue your life path, opening up new possibilities, abilities and presenting circumstances for you to fulfil what it is you are here to do in this lifetime.

It is the process of specifically reconnecting your energy field to that of the Universe, reconnecting you to 5D, which is key in reconnecting you on to higher dimensions and embodying multidimensionality. 

Long ago our personal gridwork was connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet via our meridians. These meridians served as an interface to the larger grid of the universal frequencies of Energy, Light and Information.  But our lines are down – we have since lost this connection with only remnants remaining of where they once were. Until now.

The Lightbody Upgrade, otherwise known as a 5D Lightbody Reconnection, reunites our personal gridwork with the gridwork of the planet and brings in ‘new’ axiatonal lines that enable us to have access to the fullness of these comprehensive new frequencies.

To become “reconnected” involves reconnecting your meridian lines to the energetic grid lines that encircle the earth, thereby enhancing and expanding your body’s frequencies. This then allows you to heal into the fullness of who you truly are and can be.

Originally the meridian lines or acupuncture lines on our body were connected to the grid or ley lines that encircle the planet.  These grid lines were designed to connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us to the entire universe. Each of our bodies contains our own set of energetic lines and points (this is something the Chinese have understood for years).

The Lightbody Upgrade brings in and activates these new lines, reconnecting us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before.


Reconnects your body's meridian lines to the earth's grid lines and the universal energetic system, enhancing your evolution and allowing you to heal

Reconnects you to the universe on a more powerful level than ever before. Healing is part of the process

Helps empower you to pursue your life path and purpose

The Lightbody Upgrade is a once in a lifetime experience which is given over two sessions each taking approximately an hour.

The sessions need to be 24hrs apart and no greater than 2 days apart.

It is recommended to have experienced 1-3 healing Light Transmissions prior to a Lightbody Upgrade.

© Star Medicine™