Star MedicineLight Transmissions to raise your frequency & restore your light

Raise Your Frequency

Release What You Don’t Need

Restore Your Light


Did you know that there is an intelligence underlying the inter-connectedness of all things; a light often referred to as the white or clear light at the source of all life? Star Medicine works with these superluminal healing light frequencies which are now hitting the planet in increasing intensity for the very first time. These frequencies are powerful and intelligent, and work when the Star Medicine facilitator connects with your energy field, either in-person or via your quantum hologram (via quantum entanglement), and allows the light to flow through them and therefore simultaneously through you. This enables an interaction, that allows for the exchange of light, energy and information between you and the higher, coherent, harmonious energy of perfection – a Star Medicine process called a “Light Transmission”.

The intention of a Light Transmission is to raise your frequency, which helps you release that which doesn’t serve, and return you to a state of reconnected wholeness, so you can live your full potential.

I’ve heard people describe Star Medicine™ as being “like a mild Ayahuasca experience without the mess”. Clients have reported upgrades and healings on physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relationship and business life levels, a greater sense of purpose, clarity and presence, and feeling reconnected to super-power resources, including the ability to consistently download genius level information from the field.

Ultimately the interaction works at whatever level you require. The universe knows and understands the way in which you need healing and, as such, each person’s session is different. You will undergo your own unique experience as the light frequencies work on you to whatever level you require.

That said, a Star Medicine™ light transmission is usually a very palpable experience of the light that we are, and a direct and immediate way to “locate”, awaken to, or simply strengthen your presence, and fuse with your essence. Inspiration, restoration, and balance are common effects.

Additional benefits include:

Connects you to the source of all healing

New information pours in

Enhances mental processes

Enhances and accelerates your healing and evolution

Reactivates dormant strands of DNA = Unlimited Possibilities

Heightens your perception, awareness and psychic abilities

Allows you to come back into balance

Instills confidence, self-worth, self-belief, clarity, focus

Removes trauma in a non-traumatic way

Removes emotional blocks / interference

Makes you better able to deal with stress and conflict situations

Boosts creativity and helps the creative process

Assists those in recovery from drug / alcohol afflictions

Brings harmony into chaos

Boosts ability to manifest intentions or dreams

Is a doorway to having a Lightbody Upgrade (Level 2)

A Star Medicine™ Light Transmission is only the beginning – the energy opens up your being to heal and receive gifts at multidimensional levels, and continues to work with you long after your session has ended.

Take a powerful step towards your healing and enlightenment. Book your first Star Medicine experience and be transformed by the light.

Can’t make an “in-person” session?

Remote healing is for you!

Remote Healing


Space and time become irrelevant concepts when perceived from the level the new frequencies are coming onto the planet from. Discoveries in quantum science maintain that we are all one and connected. The fractal nature of the universe, where each of us is contained within the other and vice versa, enables us to receive a healing from a different location to the one the facilitator is located in. Feel the fullness of the frequencies, non-locally from the comfort of your own home!

No difference in "strength" to an in-person session

Receive the frequencies from the comfort of your own home

Be transformed by a powerful experience of oneness and non-locality

© Star Medicine™